Elephant & Walworth neighbourhood mapping

During the last Elephant & Walworth Neighbourhood Forum (EWNF) meeting on July 31st, it was suggested to set up a series of mapping workshops in local festivals to work on the outreach of the Forum and to organise a mapping game dedicated to community assets on October 14th for the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Scroll down the page to see the maps, its context and its approach.
or dowload here a lecture given at the Bartlett on November 2017 : 

August 31st 2017, Walworth Society festival, EWNF had a stall to map community resources with residents. 
A map with the data collected is visible below. 

JustMap already organised similar mapping workshops in different parts of London (see top Menu). 

Past dates of the different workshops where we met, mapped and discussed. 
- Saturday 31st of August, Walworth Society festival in Westmoreland Road.
- Friday 1st September, informal workshop with members from Pembroke House.
- Friday 8th September, The Beehive pub (close to Pasley Park)
- Saturday 16th September, Pasley Park Festival
- Saturday 23rd September at the Nursery Row Park Autumn Fair

August 31st 2017, Walworth Society festival, EWNF had a stall to map community resources with residents. 

Here the ongoing geographical map :

Here the ongoing same data clustered by the 6 topics of the draft plan :

These maps were finally discussed at the Annual General Meeting of the Forum on October the 14th 2017.
6 workshops were organised to define for each topic of the Plan 3 short terms + 3 long term projects.
At the end of the session members voted for their favourite projects.
The map below show the proposed projects, their bubble size being proportionate to the number of votes they got :

1- the context : justMap has been hired by the EWNF to try to increase the outreach of the forum (and thus publicising its important meeting on October 14th) by organising mapping workshops in different neighbourhood festivals, where knowledge and information is collected from diverse and random local residents about places, groups and stories that matter to them so as to define their area and potentially improve it through community-led processes.
The data is then uploaded online.

Therefore the map is not justMap's point of view, neither of EWNF. It is a collection of subjective recounts from local residents or workers (see point #2).
This ongoing work was publicised for the first time on September 12th and only to the 118 EWNF members of the mailing list.
It is just the start of a collaborative work document which aims to support, as it can, the construction of the EW Neighbourhood plan.

2- the approach of collaborative mapping : The map may contain mistakes as unfortunately some times wrong rumors, and controversial points as it is the expression of different subjective point of views,
 ... but as for Wikipedia we can hope that progressively information can reach a consensus, 
... and also point out towards tensions/discussions that must be openly addressed (as one can read on the discussion page of Wikipedia articles)

In the end, we hope that this collection of subjectivities openly discussed is most representative of communities' voice and perception. 

dowload here a lecture on this experience 
given at the Bartlett on November 2017 :  

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